The grand opening of the very first Pupkewitz Megatech store in the whole of Ohangwena Region.
Where households will be able purchase small to large solar systems for their homes. O solar, ano etango, is our biggest natural resources. We need to power our homes, so children can have access to light, mothers can have access to cooking and so forth. There is a lot of conspiracy around the technology because of lack of information and awareness. But if the technology is well used, if you have good quality products and installers, solar is an answer to many of our energy problems. That is because one can start small and grow the system with time. We look forward to building together with everyone in this town to power this region.
Okawi nakaye ne kutya, osolar yeya ne, o branch yetweni yeya ne.
Tangi uunene.
iiya shashikulako,